Using LinkedIn for Job exploration

While many of us login to our profiles on a daily basis to check in with friends or share events, LinkedIn, in particular, can be an incredibly powerful tool for job hunting, provided we leverage the toll to its fullest
If you’re wondering how to use LinkedIn for job hunting, there are many ways in which you can do so that extend beyond the LinkedIn jobs search tool. It can be used to network, connect with other users and to sell your credentials as the ideal candidate to any potential employers, who often favor this method of recruitment over sifting through piles of CVs
Pasted below are some helpful tips to help understand how to use LinkedIn profiles to their maximum potential for job hunting:

Be Professional
It goes without saying, you should provide a professional representation of yourself to ensure employers are taking you seriously. Your photo and URL are usually the first thing an employer will see when they visit your LinkedIn profile. Be sure to use professional picture of yourself and that your URL correlates as closely as possible to your first and last name – avoiding nicknames will make it easier for people to search for you
If necessary, change your privacy settings to further network or direct people to your LinkedIn profile

Using LinkedIn to get what you want
It can be difficult to work out how to use LinkedIn to engage potential recruiters by using only a small amount of information, but your LinkedIn profile headline should make it clear that you are seeking opportunities or employment. Using a short and punchy introduction will grab the attention of your connections and may even open up important networking conversations.
Try to succinctly communicate what it is you are looking for, your goals and your most relevant or recent experience, so that any recruiters who are short of time can quickly gauge whether to read the rest of your profile
If you are currently unemployed, avoid highlighting the fact, as this may lead to recruiters to ask why. Instead, indicate that you are open to new opportunities.

How to Professionally Brand yourself using LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the world’s biggest professional networking and hence it’s well worth spending the time to craft an impressive and up-to-date LinkedIn profile.
If you want to know how to use LinkedIn effectively for job searching, pay special attention to your Professional profile and ensure that you are updating and improving it regularly.
Even if you have been in your current role for a long period of time, don’t neglect your profile. Providing a good LinkedIn Executive summary and adding to your skills and expertise will make it easier when it comes to job searching and will give recruiters a good idea of what you have been doing thus far and what you bring to the table for the new organization.
You can also use LinkedIn to post updates about your career interests and share articles relevant to your industry. You could even consider writing an article yourself. Ideally, you need to do anything that will enhance your LinkedIn CV when it comes to job hunting

Be selective with your connections
You need to be selective with whom you connect with. This will make LinkedIn a more effective tool for job searching and achieving your career aims
Connect to people you have worked with, anyone you have been introduced to or industry professionals that are of interest to you. Your connection network will then give other LinkedIn users an idea of your interests, passions and the field in which you either currently work or are hoping to break into.
Making only the most relevant connections will help ensure you receive industry updates from other like-minded professionals and any relevant opportunities that you might otherwise miss.
Once you have connected with people, don’t be afraid to reach out for advice, or inquire about any jobs that they may have advertised.

How to use LinkedIn profiles to look for opportunities
If you are going to use LinkedIn to find a job, ensure you are checking it frequently and keep a lookout for any updates. Many companies will use LinkedIn as a tool to post new positions they may not have advertised elsewhere
It’s also a great way to find out more about someone you are interested in professionally; you might gain some insight into how certain industry professionals got to where they are now, which might spark a job searching idea. Follow anybody who may benefit your job search: industry leaders, companies you’d like to work for and job websites are a good place to start.

Using LinkedIn for job search: A summary
Taking the time to work out how to use LinkedIn effectively can dramatically improve your employment prospects, whilst having an accessible and well-constructed CV will widen the net for opportunities. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you think might be able to help along the way, and use the online networking opportunities to show recruiters and potential employers why and how you stand out from the crowd

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