Recent Posts by admin

About: admin

Top 10 Reasons for not getting Interviews

Interview is the first step to explore possibilities of employment with prospective employer. Most of the time job seekers find this step the most difficult. Please read through the pointers below to see if you are not falling into these traps: 1. Revisit your resume: Do proper research of perspective employer and the role before applying your candidature. Be clear what the employer is...

Kumara Swamy KV, Bangalore, Karnatka

CV shapers team is very competitive in spirit, they are clear which training is required for you basis your skills to land in the job you want. They are extremely professional, thoughtful, and considerate. They really walks you through unraveling your roadblocks and told me how to present myself in the best light possible. I had a number of roadblocks which I had initially felt was negatively...

Interview – The crucial first 10 minutes

First impression is the last impression. Studies reveal that the first 10 minutes are very crucial for any interview and it is in these time that an interviewer takes decision of hiring or not hiring. BIG QUESTION – How do you ensure that the impression that you create is a favourable one? ANSWER – • Don’t Arrive Too Late or Too Early – Be...

6 Tips of working with Career Counselor!

1. Working along with Career Counselor One of the important things when you opt for Career counseling is to work along with the Counselor. It has been observed that such people come, pay the money and get out of the way expecting the counselor to do all the work. However this doesn’t work. You need to be active & participate, rest assure your experience...

Common Interview Mistakes (Top 10)

People spend countless hours working on their cover letter & CV to get pass through interview, but there are certain mistakes that happens during the interview that can’t be undone. Pasted below are few pointers that would help avoid these common mistakes – 1. Don’t forget to carry your CV and work experience / qualification documents; 2. Do your homework really well before attending...

How to prepare for the Big Day (Interview)

Don’t forget Interviewing is an art and you are there to sell yourself and ensure that you are the best fitment for the role. An employer generally looks out for Hard as well Soft/behavioral skills in the candidate & have between 15 minutes to a half hour to figure out what you are all about? The more you can sell yourself in this time,...

What to do Before an Interview?

It is the question with all those who are either facing their first interview, or are scared of being rejected in that particular interview. Worrying before an interview seems quite natural. We know after a lot of efforts, one gets shortlisted for an interview. A slight error, and all the efforts you have made will be in vain. The best thing to do before...

Ashley Lewis, Bournemoth, UK

Thank you very much! Appreciate your assistance with regards to my resume and cover letter, it is very neat...

Sachin Singhal, Pune, India

I am very delighted with the team @ cv shapers who completely changed my cv & I have received so many interview calls & finally got one....

Uday Veer, New Delhi, India

The CV & the cover letter looks great. I am very satisfied that I decided to get my cv done professionally. I would surely recommend cv shapers for their services....